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When You Find Playdough Stuck in the Carpet

We’ve all been there! Your kids are playing with playdough in a hard-floored room. You’ve even put a mat underneath and said the words “please keep the playdough in this room, I don’t want it on the carpet.”

Yet somehow, where does it end up? On the carpet of course! And no doubt you don’t notice until someone has trodden on it. 

No need to panic! 

Just follow these instructions:

1. Allow the playdough to dry completely. Leave the playdough to dry for several hours before attempting to remove it from the carpet, preferably overnight. 

Make sure it feels hard to touch. 

IMPORTANT – While your reaction may be to immediately apply hot water and soap to the stain, don’t!! Applying heat will only cause the playdough to melt further into your carpet.

2. Use a stiff brush or butter knife to begin chipping away the hardened playdough from your carpet. 

Scrape or brush repeatedly in the same direction to loosen the dried playdough from the carpet. * Don’t use a sharp knife as you risk damaging the fibres of your carpet. 

3. Vacuum up any removed pieces as you work. Use a vacuum to remove loosened pieces of playdough from your carpet as you work. Make sure you vacuum and scrape alternately as continuous scraping could result in you pushing the loose pieces down to the bottom.

Voila!! You’d never even know… 😉 

Keep your eyes peeled on my blog for more tips and tricks!


Emily Holmes

Emily Holmes

Founder of Chloe Rose Creations

Hey There!

I'm Emily


1. When I was 8, I wanted to be an archaeologist.

2. In 2012, I did some volunteer work in Ghana.

3. I have 1 cat called Evie and a dog called Simba (they are the best of friends!)

4. I have worked with children for over 17 years!

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