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Frozen Playdough

This idea was sent to me by a friend of mine so we gave it a go and wow! Safe to say, the girls absolutely loved it! Such a simple activity but so effective with so many learning opportunities. 

Firstly you’ve got the science behind it – why the high salt content prevents it from freezing. Perhaps ask your child to feel it before and after you pop it in the freezer. (I did mine overnight so skipped this but wished I had!)

Secondly, you have the sensory aspect. How cold it feels, the difference in texture etc.

Thirdly, your child can practise their cutting skills, fine-motor skills and hand-eye coordination. 3 for the price of 1!

Finally, you’re even covering Maths if you draw 2D shapes or use shape cutters for your child to cut out.

Want to know more and have some questions answered? Read on…

So this is a playdough activity with a frozen twist!

Because of the salt content, your dough won’t freeze but it will become a lot firmer than usual. 

But what’s the point in that? 

If you roll your dough flat before you pop it into the freezer, it is then perfect for practising those cutting skills!

Isn’t that going to ruin the scissors?

The dough is the perfect consistency to cut without leaving residue on the scissors.

What else can we add to this activity?

Try adding some simple cookie cutters and press down to make marks (not cut out) for your child to follow.

What if we don’t have any simple cutters?

Use some mark-making tools to draw lines or shapes for your child to cut out.

Can we use the dough again?

Once your dough is back to normal temperature, it can be moulded as before and is good to go!

Ta da! 🙌🏻 A totally different way of using sensory dough!

If you try this activity, please tag me on social media and use the hashtag #chlodoughplay so I can see it!

Wish you had some 2D shape cutters? Click here to view them in our shop!


Emily Holmes

Emily Holmes

Founder of Chloe Rose Creations

Hey There!

I'm Emily


1. When I was 8, I wanted to be an archaeologist.

2. In 2012, I did some volunteer work in Ghana.

3. I have 1 cat called Evie and a dog called Simba (they are the best of friends!)

4. I have worked with children for over 17 years!

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